Explore how to get the most out of life through creativity, skill, and self-improvement. I'll be talking with people who have found meaning in their lives by mastering their crafts, overcoming great challenges, or by just being all-around awesome at living life to the fullest.
My Name is Joseph W Nienstedt and I’m a Charleston, SC based technologist & photographer who currently specializes in commercial & lifestyle photography. I love the human condition and finding the art in our expression.
I grew up in the suburbs of New York City where I began my artistic career in fine art and graphic design. While attending college I substituted fine art in favor of a career in music, which demanded my education be put on hold while I went on tour. After many years of experience on stage and in the recording studio, I walked away from my music career to start a family and return to school to learn about information technology.
Soon after the birth of our second child, my wife and I relocated our family to Charleston, South Carolina where I founded Charleston Tech Support. During this time, the beauty of the landscape combined with the parental urge to document every move a child makes rekindled my artistic flame in the form of photography. This led to moonlighting as a professional photographer which turned into a full-fledged commercial photography business.
I have a love of getting to know what makes people do the things they do, and having meaningful discussions with interesting & creative people is something I'm truly passionate about.
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